You'd cry too if it happened to you. I had that song in my head as I was getting ready to face the day today, and I wasn't sure why. I had assumed that I would have a wonderful Birthday. The sentiment expressed by the song was soon realized as I walked to my car and the caved in fender persisted to remain, even after blinking my eyes several times!
I often see imaginary dents and scratches on my car because I love it so much and am always looking for the next dent that will need to be fixed before full restoration can be completed. For those of you who may not know, I drive a 68' Mustang, and it is a passion of mine. That is why, as i approached my car this morning there was a time when I was in disbelief. I wanted to believe that it was just the way the shadows fell, but it was not so.
Sadly whoever did it did not leave a note, and i have yet to discover the culprit. The next time that you open your door, or pull into a parking spot I want you to think about how the other people feel about their car. Don't make assumptions, it is possible that they have a deep connection with that hunk a junk, and every new dent or ding is another bad day. Besides it might even be their birthday.
P.S. I have a cold too. But as Madonna once said: "Don't cry for me Argentina."